America-First Initiative OVERVIEW
America First Initiative 2020 (AFI2020)
“…that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, shall not perish from the earth.” – President Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address
The Problem
America as a country – as the Founders envisioned and as laid out in the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution, and the Federalist Papers – is at a crossroad and is in grave threat of Mass Extinction! Over the last 30 to 40 years the entire idea of the United States of America has been rattled to it’s core with the influx of Progressive Leftist ideology, Deep-State un-elected bureaucratic actors, and Career Politicians. Elected officials have entered Washington DC with little personal fortune and emerged decades later as multi-millionaires through corrupt dealings and unfairly wielding their political influence and power to the highest bidder in exchange for personal gain and greed – selling out America in the process to crony capitalists and those with a Globalist Agenda. This must STOP IMMEDIATELY!
The last 3 to 4 decades have witnessed the sharp decline of American Greatness; the American Dream; American Rights & Liberties; the hallowing out of the Middle Class; and, the political weaponization of Government Agencies, Judicial Courts, and our Justice Apparatus for nefarious means and ends. Many of those in power today subvert every aspect of the most basic sense of human Liberty, Freedom, Justice, and Fairness – from crony capitalists on Wall Street, to Elitist Progressives throughout Hollywood and Main-Stream-Media, to corrupt politicians on Capitol Hill, to Progressive Anti-American Governors and Mayors throughout our largest cities! This must STOP IMMEDIATELY!
Today we live in perhaps the most bitterly divided time seen throughout American history! The rapid growth of Identity Politics seeks to pit every kind of group against the other. Political Violence is becoming mainstream because Leftist Progressives trample constitutionally protected Free Speech under the guise of “Hate Speech”, ever-frequently calling anyone and everyone who supports Free Speech (especially speech they do not like or agree with) to be a racist, white nationalist, white supremacist, or Nazi. These bad actors in concert with corrupt leaders in position of power are increasingly censoring, banning, shadow-banning, de-platforming, and silencing those with opposing viewpoints. This is NOT the America that our founders envisioned, and this is NOT reflective of that “More Perfect Union” for which the United States of America has always striven.
The Resolution
To this end, the America First Initiative 2020 has been born. Our goal is to fundamentally change the present state of America by employing a grass-roots strategy to fundamentally change our government, our Executive process, our Legislative process, and our Judicial process to more adequately align with the vision of our founding fathers, the US Constitution, and the entire idea of America as a whole. The goal of bringing about these fundamental changes is to restore America to greatness by restoring the most basic fundamentals of Life, Liberty, Justice, and the Pursuit of Happiness to every single American – no matter who they are or where they live!
As such, we have crafted 20 fundamental initiatives that virtually every single American – regardless of where they fall within the Political Spectrum – should wholeheartedly agree, embrace, and support! This includes re-shaping the ground-rules to achieve the following:
- Get Money, Lobbyists, and Greed out of our Politics
- Balance the National Budget and Address the Federal Debt
- Restore faith in our Justice System, so that it is Fair and Just for ALL PEOPLE
- Restore faith in our Law Enforcement System, so that it is Fair and Just for ALL PEOPLE
- Reform Immigration so that Illegal Immigration is NOT TOLERATED
- Re-Establish Free Speech & Religious Freedom for ALL PEOPLE
- End Political discrimination for ALL PEOPLE
- Reduce dependency on Federal, State, and Local Government for Food, Housing, and Healthcare
- Ensure that ALL PEOPLE have access to Healthcare and Affordable, Life-Saving Drugs
- America First is the predominate sentiment that drives all Federal Government decisions!